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Inova Health Sciences Library

Library Resources, Services, and Use

pages to hold the information from the menu links from the library main page

Article Delivery

The library provides article and book chapter/section delivery upon request. If the material requested is currently available in the library collection and of modest quantity (10 articles or fewer), the item can be delivered to you via email or printed for pick up within 24-48 hours. 
Request an article or book chapter
If you have an urgent patient care need, please call the library at 703-776-3234 during business hours to place your request. We will do our best to deliver your article immediately.


Interlibrary Loan (ILL) 

Inova Health Sciences Library provides interlibrary loan services to all Inova team members and affiliates. The library can borrow journal articles, book chapters, and a few other materials that we do not currently have in our print or electronic collections. 
Interlibrary loan requests for electronic resources (articles or book chapters in PDF) are typically available within 48 hours, but may take longer if the material requested is obscure or unusual.  Rush requests may be placed for urgent patient care needs, and can be available in less than 24 hours. Please call the library at 703-776-3234 for urgent rush request.
Request Interlibrary Loan

Expert Searching

Extensive reference service is provided by experienced medical librarians who access information from the library collection and online databases as needed.

Search requests are typically completed within 1-7 days depending upon the complexity of the request and current request load. Patient care requests are given priority.
Complete the form below to request a search.
Request a search
For urgent patient care requests, please call the library at 703-776-3357 or text 703-436-6322 after submitting this form so librarians may respond immediately.

Research, Writing, & Scholarly Activity Support

Inova Health Sciences Library provides assistance to all Inova team members throughout the life cycle of their research or evidence-based project, including expert searching, bibliographic management, and project dissemination. 

Visit our Research Support Services page for detailed information.

Patient Education Materials

Patient education materials are available via a number of Inova and public resources. Visit the Patient Education Guide to access these resources.
Inova Health Sciences Librarians can search for patient education materials (multilingual, simply-written, out-of-the-ordinary) for you and your patients and families.  Request materials below.


If you need to revise existing Inova materials or to create your own patient education, please visit Patient Education Development for requirements and process information.

Purchasing Books & Other Resources

The library receives discounts from several major medical publishers and can purchase books for departmental and personal (work or education-related) use. Team members may pay for books by check, cash, or credit/debit card or provide a cost code for departmental purchases.

Please email the library at with the following information:

Subject: Book purchase request

Book title, author/editor, edition/year, and/or ISBN. Include your full name and contact information as well as your departmental cost code, if applicable. We will respond as soon as possible with pricing information. You will then let us know if you want to place the order.

Shipping has been slow (Summer 2023), so please order well in advance of need, if possible.