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Searching for Landmark or Seminal Articles

Large, high-impact studies are likely published in the major journals of your specialty
Limit your search by Clinically Useful Journals
Ovid Medline

Search for your topic in the Ovid Medline search box. Then, Limit by Clinically Useful Journals.

See text file & instructions below

Literature Reviews, Systematic Reviews, & Scoping Reviews likely include large, high-impact, or good-quality studies
Ovid Medline
  1. Search for your topic in Ovid Medline search bar
  2. In a new search bar, copy & paste one or more of the strategies below
  3. Combine your topic's search string with the Review search string with AND to limit to review articles
  4. Select a few relevant reviews, and mine the references cited to locate key studies.


Search strategies & filters to refine search for reviews of all types
((literature adj review).ti,ab.) OR ( or (((integrated or integrative or narrative) adj (review or reviews)) or overview or ((state adj3 art) and (art adj (review or reviews)))).ti,ab,kf.)
Journals with "Clinics" OR "Current Opinion" in their titles often have nice overviews of topics, and may include discussions of key articles of interest.
Search strategy:

("current opinion" OR "clinics").jw
50 Studies Every Doctor Should Know -- by specialty

A concise summary is presented with an emphasis on the results and limitations of each study and its implications for practice.

More Studies to Know