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Apps Available

There's an app for that! Apps available for Inova Library resources.

How To Register for the MicroMedex App

All Inova Team Members have access to MicroMedex app via their mobile devices. 
About: The MicroMedex App is a point-of-care application to access, search and navigate drug information. This includes dosing, adverse effects, and more. Please note that the desktop version is more comprehensive.
Audience: All clinical team members needing drug information.

  1. On any Inova computer, go to Home - MICROMEDEX
  2. Access to Micromedex Drug Reference requires a password. Once you’ve downloaded the app, follow these instructions to obtain the password.
  3. Click “Mobile Application Access” on the top right.
  4. Refer to the detailed downloading instructions
  5. These instructions include a password in Step 4 for accessing the app. Do not share this password outside of Inova as this is for subscribers only.

*If you are an Inova Team Member, but are rarely on-site at an Inova Health System location, please contact the library at
703-776-3357 or
**If you are affiliated with Inova, but do not have an Inova email address, please contact the library at 703-776-3357 or

MicroMedex App Features

Designed specifically for point-of-care clinicians, Micromedex provides a single interface to access, search, and navigate to drug, disease, toxicology, and patient education information. It provides access to the most used drug information, such as: dosing, adverse effects, indications, and interactions.



App Versus Desktop

Micromedex zeroes in on use of medications and information to make evidence-based decisions. The app is often condensing long strings of text and does not have the same visual appeal as the desktop version. While a great point of reference for quick decisions, the library suggests utilizing the desktop version if you have more time to make decisions or delve into a question. Below is an example of the same drug lookup as the right sided screen shot above.