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a resilience & wellness resource for physicians
Welcome to our new website IFMC BNB: Balance not Burnout! 

This is a website designed with you in mind, specifically focused on physician wellness/burnout. We need to take care of ourselves first in order to provide the most compassionate, top quality care for our patients.

Now, resources are just a click away…….PLEASE, check out what we have to offer you. Since this is a new initiative, let us know what is working well,  what things we can improve, and what may be missing. 


Glenna Andersen, MD
President, Medical Staff

Below are anonymous online self-test sites

Altruism Quiz - Greater Good Science Center

Anxiety, PTSD:
Anxiety screen - Mental Health America

Workplace Burnout Quiz from Christina Maslach and Michael Leitner, courtesy of Scientific American.

Anyone can experience depression, including physicians,and especially in medical training. Rate yourself with this Depression screen. Inova Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers free, anonymous counseling and provider-finding services.

Emotional Intelligence:
How well do you read other people? Quiz from Greater Good Science Center

Also from the Greater Good Science Center, try this empathy quiz.

How happy are you? From Dr. Martin Seligman, director of the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania, take a variety of questionnaires relating to happiness, optimism, gratitude, personal strengths and life meaning. Log in required for cumulative anonymous research purposes. Privacy policy.

Mindfulness Quiz from Greater Good Science Center.

Physical Fitness:
4 part physical fitness test - Mayo Clinic
Inova WellAware offers a number of fitness and health classes.

This PTSD Screen  from the PTSD Association of Canada

Relationship Trust:
Relationship Trust Quiz - Greater Good Science Center

Perfectionistic? Hard on yourself? Rate your level of self-compassion from the website of Kristin Neff, PhD, creator of the validated self-compassion scale.

Sleepiness Scale - Epworth Scale.

Stress screen - Mental Health America

Substance use:
Evaluate your beliefs, attitudes and behaviors concerning alcohol use - National Institute on Alcohol Abuse

Work-Life Balance:
Quiz - Canadian Mental Health Association

--WellMD Stanford